
Basic Usage

Firstly, let’s generate toy data for this tutorial.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# generate toy data
x = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3.1 * np.linspace(0, 1, 101))
x += np.random.rand(x.size)
y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3 * np.linspace(0, 1, 120))
y += np.random.rand(y.size)

plt.plot(x, label="query")
plt.plot(y, label="reference")
plt.ylim(-1, 3)

Then run dtw() method which returns DtwResult object.

from dtwalign import dtw
res = dtw(x, y)


The first run takes a few seconds for jit compilation.

DTW distance

DTW distance can be refered via DtwResult object.

print("dtw distance: {}".format(res.distance))
# dtw distance: 30.048812654583166
print("dtw normalized distance: {}".format(res.normalized_distance))
# dtw normalized distance: 0.13596747807503695


If you want to calculate only dtw distance (i.e. no need to gain alignment path), give ‘distance_only’ argument as True when runs dtw method (it makes faster).

Alignment path

DtwResult object offers a method which visualize alignment path with cumsum cost matrix.


Alignment path array is also provided:

x_path = res.path[:, 0]
y_path = res.path[:, 1]

Warp one to the other

get_warping_path() method provides an alignment path of X with fixed Y and vice versa.

# warp x to y
x_warping_path = res.get_warping_path(target="query")
plt.plot(x[x_warping_path], label="aligned query to reference")
plt.plot(y, label="reference")
plt.ylim(-1, 3)
# warp y to x
y_warping_path = res.get_warping_path(target="reference")
plt.plot(x, label="query")
plt.plot(y[y_warping_path], label="aligned reference to query")
plt.ylim(-1, 3)

Advanced Usage

Global constraint

dtw() method can take window_type parameter to constrain the warping path globally which is also known as ‘windowing’.

# run DTW with Itakura constraint
res = dtw(x, y, window_type="itakura")
# run DTW with Sakoechiba constraint
res = dtw(x, y, window_type="sakoechiba", window_size=20)
# visualize alignment path with cumsum cost matrix

Local constraint

dtwalign package also supports local constrained optimization which is also known as ‘step pattern’. Following step patterns are supported:

  • symmetric1
  • symmetric2
  • symmetricP05
  • symmetricP0
  • symmetricP1
  • symmetricP2
  • Asymmetric
  • AsymmetricP0
  • AsymmetricP05
  • AsymmetricP1
  • AsymmetricP2
  • TypeIa
  • TypeIb
  • TypeIc
  • TypeId
  • TypeIas
  • TypeIbs
  • TypeIcs
  • TypeIds
  • TypeIIa
  • TypeIIb
  • TypeIIc
  • TypeIId
  • TypeIIIc
  • TypeIVc
  • Mori2006
# run DTW with symmetricP2 pattern
res = dtw(x, y, step_pattern="symmetricP2")

Partial alignment

dtw() method also be able to perform partial matching algorithm by setting open_begin and open_end. Before see example code, let’s make toy data via following:

x_partial = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3 * np.linspace(0.3, 0.8, 100))
x_partial += np.random.rand(x_partial.size)
y_partial = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3.1 * np.linspace(0, 1, 120))
y_partial += np.random.rand(y_partial.size)

plt.plot(x_partial, label="query")
plt.plot(y_partial, label="reference")
plt.ylim(-1, 3)

Open-end alignment can be performed by letting open_end be True.

res = dtw(x_partial, y_partial, open_end=True)

As above, let open_begin be True to run open-begin alignment.


Open-begin requires “N” normalizable pattern. If you want to know more detail, see references.

res = dtw(x_partial, y_partial, step_pattern="asymmetric", open_begin=True)
res = dtw(x_partial, y_partial, step_pattern="asymmetric", open_begin=True, open_end=True)

Use other metric

You can use other pair-wise distance metric (default is euclidean). Metrics in scipy.spatial.distance.cdist are supported:

res = dtw(x, y, dist="minkowski")

Arbitrary function which returns distance value between x and y is also available.

res = dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y))

Use pre-computed distance matrix

You can also calculate DTW with given pre-computed distance matrix like:

# calculate pair-wise distance matrix in advance
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
X = cdist(x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis], metric="euclidean")

# use `dtw_from_distance_matrix` method for computation.
from dtwalign import dtw_from_distance_matrix
res = dtw_from_distance_matrix(X, window_type="itakura", step_pattern="typeIVc")

Use user-defined constraints

Local constraint (step pattern)

# define local constraint (step pattern)
from dtwalign.step_pattern import UserStepPattern
pattern_info = [
user_step_pattern = UserStepPattern(pattern_info=pattern_info,normalize_guide="N+M")

# plot

Global constraint (windowing)

# define global constraint (windowing)
from dtwalign.window import UserWindow
user_window = UserWindow(X.shape[0], X.shape[1], win_func=lambda i, j: np.abs(i ** 2 - j ** 2) < 5000)

# plot

To compute DTW with user-specified constraints, use dtw_low method like:

# import lower dtw interface
from dtwalign import dtw_low
res = dtw_low(X,window=user_window,pattern=user_step_pattern)